Why your internship or job search might not be progressing?

If your job or internship search is not progressing as you would like it to, please take a moment to answer the following questions. For each question, please answer yes or no, then click on the graphic below for more information on reasons you might not be moving forward.

  • Is your resume getting you through an employer’s Applicant Tracking System?
  • Will your resume pass the 3-7 second review test?
  • Does your resume show your value and not just job duties?
  • Are you targeting companies over positions?
  • Do you prioritize developing quality contacts at target companies over high volume online applications?
  • Are you satisfied with your job search results to-date?

In addition, if you answered NO to any of the above questions, then it might be time to stop in for a resume or job search strategy review. Please feel free to schedule an appointment to meet with me by calling the CMC at 979-845-1998.

Click on picture to enlarge

By Mitch Lederman
Mitch Lederman Sr. Associate Director, Career Development & Coaching