How Introverts Can Impress in Interviews

As an introvert myself, I found the tips shared by The Undercover Recruiter to be great advice for tackling the interview process.  The blog post shared 5 main points to remember:

  • Take time before you go into an interview to get yourself into the right mental and physical state so you can excel.
  • Think about more than the just the job itself but also the human connections you will need to make.
  • Make eye contact with each person individually as you say hello.
  • It is essential that you communicate the fact you are a thoughtful and engaged individual with achievements and skills to share.
  • If you are uncomfortable talking about yourself and your accomplishments, try framing your achievements in terms of what you learned from completing the experience.


Read the entire blog post at for more details.
Also be sure and take a look at the CashNet USA infographic, Introverts Guide to Job Interviews, that is included at the end of the article.

By Kim Austin
Kim Austin