Leverage Lists in Your Search

We know it is important to save money for a rainy day.  But, if we wait to save what is left over at the end of the month, chances are there may not be anything left to save!  So, a better plan is to intentionally budget and set aside funds at the beginning of each month to reach your goal.

The same rule applies to time!  If we wait for open time to job search, chances are we will not have enough to effectively search.  Consider, instead, looking at your calendar at the beginning of the week to proactively block off time for your search.  This may be several small blocks or fewer larger blocks…whatever works for you!

Once you set the time away, using lists can help ensure you use the time effectively.  You want an internship.  But what specific action steps will move you closer to that goal?  Think SMART goals. [Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound]

The recipe is simple.  Set aside time, list steps, take action, and find increased success in your search.


Want to read more about making lists to help your search?   See the article below.


By Sarah Bugh
Sarah Bugh Associate Director & Career Coach