Target the Right Employers: Four Steps to Build Your List Fast

Did you know you have access to many great resources provided by the Mays Career Management Center? Check out one of our many great resources, Beyond B-School where you get access to career experts. The following article is an excerpt from the “company research” section of Beyond B-School contributed by our friend, Steve Dalton.

Target the Right Employers: Four Steps to Build Your List Fast

“Finally – here is an efficient and effective job search methodology to develop a target list of employers, fast.. Steve Dalton, author of The 2-Hour Job Search and Senior Associate Director of the Career Management Center and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, details how to get that first job interview by creating a specifically prioritized list of target employers in 70 minutes.” Click here to view the full article and video.


By Sarah David
Sarah David Associate Director & Career Coach